The PM Shri Narendra Modi has a grand vision for a Digital India which includes Digital Highways, easy sharing of Knowledge, Innovation & Transparent Governance.
The Government has approved & is actively working towards Digital India to transform India into digital empowered society and knowledge economy. Digital India is transformational in nature and would ensure that Government services are available to citizens electronically. It would also bring in public accountability through mandated delivery of government’s services electronically, a Unique ID and e-Pramaan based on authentic and standard based interoperable and integrated government applications and data basis.
The Digital India vision would promote inclusive growth that covers electronic services, products, devices, manufacturing and job opportunities. India in the 21st Century must strive to meet the aspirations of its citizens where government and its services reach the doorsteps of citizens and contribute towards a long-lasting positive impact. The Digital India Programme aims to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy by leveraging IT as a growth engine of new India.